Best Credit Card Deals Analyzing The Deals That Come Your Way
How do you know what credit card deals are good and which are not? Which are legitimate and which are not worthy of consideration? First of all, the credit card offers that show up in your email that get sent to thousands of people all the time are not worth your time or effort. They were sent out generically and how did they get a hold of your email address anyway? If you notice they often do not even use your name because they don’t know who you are! You are simply a name on a list. Avoid these at all costs!
Most likely you have received credit card offers in the mail. Some of these may be worth your consideration so don’t discount them and toss them in the recycle pile just yet. You need to ask yourself a few questions before you decide that the offer is not for you. Is the company name familiar to you? You have heard of Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover but there may be cards that have names you have never heard of. You need to be careful about those. They should be the first to reach the recycle bin.
What interest rate is charged on purchases made? When looking at a new offer that has come your way compare the interest rate to the credit card you presently have. If it is worse then you know what to do with it.
In regards to cash advances, what are the charges and what is the interest rate? Even if you do not tend to take out cash advances you never know what the future could bring. You need to find out this pertinent information before you apply for the card.
If you wanted to transfer a present balance on one of your credit cards to this new card could you do so without paying a fortune? It is not uncommon for many credit card companies to make it sound like balance transfers are cost friendly but often the truth is not so frugal (or appealing). If this is something that you might want to do then find out about the fees that would be attached to it first.
Credit card deals are only good if they can be accommodating to your needs. What about late fees and interest rates? If you make a late payment through no fault of your own will you be subjected to a soaring interest rate and exorbitant fees? You don’t want to choose a credit card that will penalize you for an occasional financial hiccup.
Do you need another credit card or would getting another one just cause you to charge, charge, charge? If you have a penchant for shopping then perhaps besides staying out of the malls as much as possible, you would do well to not get yet another credit card. Why give yourself more headaches?